Universities and Colleges in Sweden:
Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in Sweden
Public universities |
Uppsala University |
Lund University |
University of Gothenburg |
Stockholm University |
Karolinska Institutet |
Umeå University |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Linköping University |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Luleå University of Technology |
Karlstad University |
Örebro University |
Mid Sweden University |
Linnaeus University |
Malmö University |
Public university colleges |
Royal Institute of Art |
Royal College of Music, Stockholm |
University of Arts, Crafts and Design |
University of Borås |
Dalarna University |
Mälardalen University |
Kristianstad University |
University of Skövde |
Gävle University College |
Halmstad University |
Blekinge Institute of Technology |
University West |
Södertörn University |
Swedish Defence University |
Stockholm University of the Arts |
Private universities and högskolor |
Johannelund School of Theology in Uppsala |
Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg |
Stockholm School of Economics and Jönköping University Foundation |
Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College |
Sophiahemmet University College |
University College Stockholm |