ST4312 Project Work I Syllabus:

ST4312 Project Work I Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To identify a specific problem for the current need of the society and collect information related to the same through a detailed review of literature.
 To develop the methodology to solve the identified problem.
 To train the students in preparing project reports and to face reviews and viva-voce examinations.


The student individually works on a specific topic approved by the faculty member who is familiar with this area of interest. The student can select any topic which is relevant to his/her specialization of the programme. The topic may be experimental or analytical or case studies. At the end of the semester, a detailed report on the work done should be submitted which contains a clear definition of the identified problem, detailed literature review related to the area of work and a methodology for carrying out the work. The students will be evaluated through a viva-voce examination by a panel of examiners including one external examiner.


On completion of the course, the student will be able to
CO1 Apply the knowledge gained from theoretical and practical courses in solving problems
CO2 Recognize the importance of literature review
CO3 Develop a clear outline and methodology for the project
CO4 Identify the potential research gap and list parameters to work with
CO5 Report and present the findings of the work conducted.