SE4212 Software Development Laboratory Syllabus:

SE4212 Software Development Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


The student should be able to:
 learn the stages of software development
 know about preparing software project documentation
 learn various testing mechanisms
 gain practical experience in applying agile methodology
 understand the principles of DevOps


Choose any application and apply the phases of Software Development Life Cycle
1. Project Planning – Thorough study of the problem by reviewing the literature – Identify project scope,
Objectives, Infrastructure. – PROJECT PLAN DOCUMENTATION
2. Software requirement Analysis – Classify the functional and non-functional requirements – Describe the individual Phases / Modules of the project, Identify deliverables. – SRS DOCUMENTATION
3. Software Design/Modeling – Prepare high-level and low-level designs Use work products – Data dictionary, Use case diagrams and activity diagrams, build and test class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, add interface to class diagrams. – DESIGN DOCUMENTATION
4. Software Development and Debugging – Use technology of your choice to develop and debug the application– CODE DOCUMENTATION
5. Software Testing – Perform validation testing, Coverage analysis, memory leaks, develop test case
hierarchy and Site monitor. – TEST CASE DOCUMENTATION
6. Develop any software application using agile method.
7. Develop any software application using DevOps.


1. Student Marks Analyzing System.
2. Quiz System.
3. Online Ticket Reservation System
4. Payroll System
5. Course Registration System
6. Stock Maintenance.
7. Book Lending Application.
8. Inventory system
9. Online Payment system
10. Hotel management system



At the end the student will be able to:
CO1:Formulate project plan and SRS
CO2:Prepare design and code documents at appropriate stages of software development
CO3:Test the software product
CO4:Develop a flexible software product using agile.
CO5:Implement DevOps principles to produce high-quality software