RS4211 Satellite Image Processing Laboratory Syllabus:

RS4211 Satellite Image Processing Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 This course will facilitate the students to have hands on experience on different steps of satellite image processing using various softwares.


1. Reading and Displaying satellite data from BIL, BSQ and BIP Formats
2. Generating False Colour Composite (FCC)
3. Extracting area of Interest (AOI)
4. Generating Histogram of various bands
5. Georeferencing the base image
6. Geometric correction of satellite image
7. Enhancement using Band ratio and NDVI
8. Enhancement using different Filtering techniques
9. Enhancement using Image Fusion
10. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
11. Fourier analysis
12. Unsupervised Classification
13. Supervised Classification
14 Classification using Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
15. Accuracy Assessment and Change detection study
16. Mini Project – MATLAB


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to

CO1 Understand the satellite image file formats and characteristics
CO2 Realize the necessity of geometric correction
CO3 Apply the various available techniques to enhance the interpretability of satellite images
CO4 Get the hands-on experience on fundamental classification techniques
CO5 Understand the impact of advanced classification techniques and accuracy assessment


1. Richards, Remote sensing digital Image Analysis – An Introduction, 5th Edition 2012 Springer -Verlag .
2. Robert, G. Reeves,- Manual of Remote Sensing Vol. I & II – American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls, Church, USA, 1983.
3. Richards, Remote sensing digital Image Analysis – An Introduction 5th Edition, 2012, Springer -Verlag 2012.
4. Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods- Pearson/ Prentice Hall,2018, 4th edition
5. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Annadurai Pearson Education (2006)