RS4001 Geodesy Syllabus:

RS4001 Geodesy Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


• To understand the concept of geodetic surveying and solve the geodetic problems.


Definitions, classifications, applications and problems of geodesy. Historical development and organization of geodesy. Reference surfaces and their relationship, Engineering, lunar and planetary geodesy, Geodetic control(Horizontal and vertical)-Standards, methods and computations.


Basics-Geodetic, Geocentric, Reduced Spheroidal latitudes and their relationship. coordinates in terms of reduced, geodetic and geocentric latitude. Radius of curvature in the meridian &prime vertical and their relationship. Mean Radius of curvature at any azimuth. Length of the meridian arcs and arcs of parallel and area of trapezium on the spheroid. Curves on the spheroid, properties of geodesic and Everest spheroid. Natural or Astronomical coordinate system, Geodetic or Geographical coordinate system, Rectangular or Cartesian coordinate system and relationship between them. Curvilinear coordinate system. Deflection of vertical, spherical excess. Astrogeodetic method of determining the reference spheroid.


Gravity field of earth, Concept of equipotential, geopotential and spheropotential surface Normal gravity, The significance of gravity measurements, Measurement of absolute and Relative gravity, Reduction of gravity measurements, Isostasy. Gravity networks, Gravity anomaly and Gravity disturbance. Fundamental equation of physical Geodesy. Determination of Geoid and Deflection of vertical. Orthometric height, Normal height, Dynamic height and their corrections. spheroidal height and Geoidal height


Basics-Horizon, hour angle, Right Ascension, Ecliptic co-ordinate systems and relationship with Cartesian co-ordinate system, Transformation between them. Special star positions, Major constellation. Rising and setting of stars with respect to declination, hour angle and azimuth. Culmination, Prime vertical Crossing and Elongation. Variation in celestial co-ordinates. Sidereal time, Universal time, Zone time and Atomic time. Determination of Astronomical azimuth, latitude and longitude. Star catalogues, Ephemerides and Almanacs.


Rectangular and Polar co-ordinates. First and Second geodetic problem. Similarity and Helmert’s transformation. Point determination by Intersection, Resection and Arc Section.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to
CO1 Understand the fundamentals of Geometry of the earth, Gravity and its relationship with nature
CO2 Understand the procedure for establishing horizontal and vertical Geodetic control and its adjustment procedure.
CO3 Determination of Azimuth, Latitude, Longitude and Time by Geodetic astronomical observations.
CO4 Provide the various aspects of Geometric and Physical Geodesy.
CO5 Inculcate the different height systems used to solve the field problem.


1. George l. Hosmer, Geodesy, Kessinger publishing 2016
2. Howard goreJ., Elements of Geodesy, Kessinger publishing 2016.
3. Wolf gang torge, Geodesy, Walter De Gruyter Inc. Berlin, 4th Edition,2012.
4. Geometrical Geodesy Maarten Hooijberg, Springer verlag 2005.
5. Physical Geodesy Berhard Hofmann-wellenhot & Helmut moritz, springer verlag, 2nd Corrected Edition, 2006.
6. Petr Vanicek and Edward J.Kakiwsky, Geodesy, the concepts north Holland publications co, Amsterdam, 2014.
7. Heribert Kahmen and wolf gang faig, surveying, watter De Gruyter, Berlin, Reprint, 2012.
8. Schwarze, V.S.Geodesy, The challenge of the 3rd millennium, spinger verlag, 1st Edition, 2002.