RE4002 Urban Infrastructure Syllabus:

RE4002 Urban Infrastructure Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To provide basic knowledge on the functions, dynamics, planning and management of urban infrastructure systems.
 To give understanding about the dynamics within and between urban infrastructure systems, and their relation to the built environment and economic development.
 To give knowledge about how to assess the qualities of infrastructure systems in terms of vulnerability, sustainability, equity and efficiency.
 To understand the power generation, and distribution
 To understand the water supply, drainage and solid waste management in macro scale


Infrastructure Planning – Urban, Sub-urban, Peri-urban and Rural – India – Blue& Green Infrastructure Planning: Impact on Development. Building and city level, Challenges and Considerations– Urban Transport Management –Design criteria for road – Types of Road & Traffic Analysis, Emerging trends: Micro mobility &Green Corridors, Multi modal Connectivity, EV, Drone Ports etc. Urban Metabolism Models and Process

CO1 Students develop a transferable set of critical thinking skills to organise and evaluate different types of information and make coherent arguments
CO2 Students gain independent thinking skills build confidence and will be equipped for tackling complex and unfamiliar problems
CO3 Students learn how to make informed and reasoned decisions and construct evidencebased arguments.
CO4 Students will learn to apply skills and domain knowledge to the specific problem they identified.
CO5 Students acquire the ability to function dynamically and acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to plan and successfully launch their own ventures.

 To provide basic knowledge on the functions, dynamics, planning and management of urban infrastructure systems.
 To give understanding about the dynamics within and between urban infrastructure systems, and their relation to the built environment and economic development.
 To give knowledge about how to assess the qualities of infrastructure systems in terms of vulnerability, sustainability, equity and efficiency.
 To understand the power generation, and distribution
 To understand the water supply, drainage and solid waste management in macro scale


Urban Energy Management. Power generation – types – Power Transmission – source and distribution networks with safety norms applicable – Substation – primary &secondary – Ring line & main unit – Power Tapping – Types of Transformer, Power grids for larger townships – Power supply Load calculation –Renewable Energy Sources: Solar farms, Wind farms, PV, CSP etc. Net Zero Approach for development.


Water supply systems. Quality and quantity requirements. Layout of Service lines. Sources, Collection and conveyance of water for largescale developments. Treatment methods & plant location. Planning distribution systems and their zoning with respect to urban structure. Integrated Urban Water Management


Factors determining layout of urban drainage and sewerage system. Sewage treatment plant location and functioning. Waste water disposal systems- separate and combined systems. Industrial pollutants and their effects & disposal. Waste water treatment methods. Planning and location of treatment plants.


City Level Solid Waste Management, Collection, Segregation and disposal systems. Classification and properties of solid wastes. Issues due to solid waste disposal, planning and design criteria with case studies. On site collection, storage, transportation. Processing and treatment of solid wastes. Social aspects of the solid waste management. Waste to Wealth, Recycle-Reuse-Zero Waste



CO1 Understanding about the infrastructure system at micro level to macro level.
CO2 Understanding the power generation and distribution to the macro level
CO3 Ability to plan the water supply and drainage to the macro level
CO4 Understanding the waste generation and conversion of waste to an usable product
CO5 Ability to plan integrating all aspects of infrastructure for a sustainable development.


1. N.Mani, ‘Infrastructure Planning and Development in India’, New Century Publication, 2012.
2. Kenneth C Clayton, ‘Solid waste management: The Regional approach’, Ballinger Pub. Co,.
3. Chatterjee A.K, ‘Water Supply, Waste Disposal and Environmental Engineering’, Khanna Publishers, 2010.
4. V.M. Ehlers, Ernest W. Steel, ‘Municipal and Rural Sanitation’, McGraw-Hill Inc, US.
5. AmodS.Tilak, ‘Environmental Law’, Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
6. HPEC Government of India, ‘Report on Indian Urban Infrastructure and Services’, The High Powered Expert Committee for estimating the Investment Requirements for Urban Infrastructure Services, New Delhi, 2011.ager’s Maintenance Handbook’, McGraw Hills, 2007.