PD4261 Product Design Laboratory Syllabus:

PD4261 Product Design Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To give exposure to develop digital and physical prototype models using RP machine / clay models of a new product/ existing product.
The students in a group have to develop digital and physical prototype models using RP machine / clay models of a new product/ existing product with enhanced feature involving the following areas:
 Automotive components
 Tool and die components
 Press tool components
 Consumer product
 Injection moulded products.
The fabricated models may be in the form of RP models, clay models, sheet metal models or cardboard models etc.
The design and development of the product will be reviewed in two stages for awarding internal marks. The end semester examination mark will be based on the demonstration of the new product developed and oral examination on the same by internal examiners.


Upon conclusion of this course the student will be able to
CO1 Appreciate the use of physical prototype models for evaluating product concept
CO2 Apply theoretical knowledge to design and development of physical products using clay, wood, sheet metal and RP techniques