PB4111 Analytical Techniques in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory Syllabus:

PB4111 Analytical Techniques in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 carry out analytical experiments related to spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.
 enable students to learn the principles of analysis for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications
 provide students of various analytical skills, in relevance of pharmaceutical dosage forms and analytical instrumentation


1. UV/Visible Spectroscopy:
i) Calibration of UV spectrophotometer
ii) Effect of solvent on wavelength maxima of drugs.
iii) Validation of Beers lambert laws.
iv) Standard calibration curve by UV spectroscopy at λ max, λ max + 10 nm and λ max – 10 nm
v) Determination of pKa by U.V. spectroscopy.
vi) Multicomponent analysis by UV-Spectrophotometry by different methods
vii) Analysis of drugs from formulations focusing on separation of drug from the formulation excipients.
2. Fluorescence spectroscopy:
i) Excitation and emission spectra for the fluorescent dye fluorescein.
ii) Effect of concentration and instrumental bandwidth on the fluorescent signal.
3. IR Spectroscopy
i) Calibration of IR spectrophotometer
ii) Sample preparation for I.R. spectroscopy (solid/liquids) and interpretation of IR bands for important functional groups.
4. Chromatography:
i) HPLC calibration of HPLC column and determination of response factor by HPLC
ii) Separation of components by HPTLC and column chromatography.
5. Structural Interpretation by Spectroscopy:
i) Basic interpretations of simple Mass spectra and NMR.
ii) Structural elucidation workshop: Interpretation of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and Mass spectrometry of simple compounds.



At the end of the course, the student able to
 Operate spectroscopic and chromatographic instruments.
 Assess sources of error in instrumental analysis and perform calibration of instruments.
 Conduct the chromatographic separation and spectroscopic analysis of drugs.
 Interpret the structure of the organic compounds with the given spectral data.
 Develop ability to involve in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs and biologics.
 Appreciate the importance of modern instruments in the quality control and research


1. Spectrometric Identification of Organic compounds – Robert M Silverstein, Sixth edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Loyd V. Allen Jr, “Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy”. Vol. I & II, 22nd Edition, Pharmaceutical Press;, 2012.
3. Kenneth A. Connors, “Textbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis”, 3rd Edition, John wiley and sons, New York, 2007.
4. Siddiqui, Anees A, “Pharmaceutical Analysis”. Vol.I & II, 3rd edition, CBS Publishers, 2014.
5. Takeru Higuchi, Einar Brochmann, Hanffen Hanssen, Hamffen Hanssen, “Pharmaceutical Analysis” 1st Edition, CBS Publishers, 2005.