Rectifier Diode

Rectifier Diode: A diode optimized for its ability to convert ac to dc.


Recombination: The merging of a free electron and a hole.

RC Differentiator

RC Differentiator: An RC circuit used to differentiate an input signal of a rectangular pulse into a series of positive and negative spikes.

Radio-frequency Amplifier (RF)

Radio-frequency Amplifier (RF): Also known as a pre-selector, this amplifier provides some initial gain and selectivity.

r’ parameters

r' parameters: One way to characterize a transistor. This model uses quantities like β and r′c.

Quiescent point (Q point)

Quiescent point (Q point): The operating point found by plotting the collector current and voltage.

Push-Pull Connection

Push-Pull Connection: Use of two transistors in a connection that makes one of them conduct for half a cycle while the other is turned off.…

Pulse-Width Modulation

Pulse-Width Modulation: Controlling the width of rectangular waves for the purpose of adding intelligence or to control the average dc value.

Pulse-Position Modulation

Pulse-Position Modulation: A procedure in which the pulses change position according to the amplitude of the analog signal.

Pullup Resistor

Pullup Resistor: A resistor that the user has to add to an IC device to make it work properly. One end of the pullup resistor…

P-type Semiconductor

P-type Semiconductor: A semiconductor where there are more holes than free electrons.


Prototype: A basic circuit that a designer can modify to get more advanced circuits.

Proportional Pinchoff Voltage

Proportional Pinchoff Voltage: The border between the ohmic region and the current-source region for any gate voltage.

Predicted Voltage Gain

Predicted Voltage Gain: The voltage gain you calculate from the circuit values on a schematic diagram. For a CE stage, it equals the ac collector…

Power Transistor

Power Transistor: A transistor that can dissipate more than 0.5 W. Power transistors are physically larger than small-signal transistors.