Voltage Multiplier

Voltage Multiplier: Direct current power-supply circuit used to provide transformerless step-up of ac line voltage.

Voltage Gain

Voltage Gain: This is defined as the output voltage divided by the input voltage. Its value indicates how much the signal is amplified.

Voltage Follower

Voltage Follower: An op-amp circuit that uses noninverting voltage feedback. The circuit has a very high input impedance, a very low output impedance, and a…

Voltage Feedback

Voltage Feedback: This is a type of feedback where the feedback signal is proportional to the output voltage.

Voltage-Divider Bias (VDB)

Voltage-Divider Bias (VDB): A biasing circuit in which the base circuit contains a voltage divider that appears stiff to the input resistance of the base.

Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS)

Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS): The ideal op amp, having infinite voltage gain, infinite unity-gain frequency, infinite input impedance, and infinite CMRR, as well as zero…

Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO): An oscillator circuit in which the output frequency is a function of a dc control voltage; also called a voltage-to-frequency converter.

Voltage-Controlled Device

Voltage-Controlled Device: A device like a JFET or MOSFET whose output is controlled by an input voltage.

Voltage-Controlled Current Source (VCIS)

Voltage-Controlled Current Source (VCIS): Sometimes called a transconductance amplifier, this type of negative feedback amplifier has input current controlling output voltage.

Voltage Amplifier

Voltage Amplifier: An amplifier that has its circuit values selected to produce a maximum voltage gain.

Virtual Ground

Virtual Ground: A type of ground that appears at the inverting input of an op amp that uses negative feedback. It's called virtual ground because…


Varistor: A device that acts like two back-to-back zener diodes. Used across the primary winding of a power transformer to prevent line spikes from entering…


Varactor: A diode optimized for a reverse capacitance. The larger the reverse voltage, the smaller the capacitance.

Upside-Down PNP Bias

Upside-Down PNP Bias: When you have a positive power supply and a pnp transistor, it is customary to draw the transistor upside-down. This is especially…