Human resource planning

Human resource planning: It tries to assess human resource requirements in advance keeping the production schedules, market fluctuations, demand forecasts, etc., in the background.

Climate survey

Climate survey: It tries to determine how employees feel about the organization or specific aspects of it.

Exit interview

Exit interview: Here people who are leaving the organization are interviewed and asked to identify problems that caused them to resign.

Personnel audit

Personnel audit: A formal research effort to evaluate the current state of personnel management in an organization.

Applied research

Applied research: Research that seeks to find an answer to a specific current problem.

Secondary research

Secondary research: A method using data already published by others and reported in books, articles or other sources.


Turnover: It is the net result of the exit of some employees and the entrance of others.

Attitude or Opinion Survey

Attitude or Opinion Survey: An attitude or opinion survey is a set of written instruments completed by employees (usually anonymously) expressing their reactions to policies,…

Personnel research

Personnel research: The analysis of data from HR records to determine the effectiveness of past and present HR practices.

Pure research

Pure research: Research undertaken with a view to further knowledge.


Research: A systematic and goal oriented examination of facts that tries to establish a relationship between two or more phenomena.

Personnel records

Personnel records: Documents and files that offer information regarding the use of human resources in an organization.

Specific Policies

Specific Policies: These policies cover specific issues such as hiring, rewarding and bargaining.

Implied Policies

Implied Policies: These are inferred from the behavior of members.

Appealed Policies

Appealed Policies: These are formulated to meet the requirements of certain peculiar situations which have not been covered by the earlier policies.