Payment of Bonus

Payment of Bonus: Payment of bonus finds justification of the ground that the workers should have a share in the prosperity of the concern for…

Fixation of wage period

Fixation of wage period: Every person responsible for the payment of wages under Sec. 3 shall fix periods, known as Wages Periods in respect of…


Adjudication: It is compulsory method of resolving conflict/dispute.

Voluntary Arbitration

Voluntary Arbitration: When conciliation officer or Board of conciliation fails to resolve conflict/dispute, parties can be advised to agree to voluntary arbitration for settling their…


Conciliation: A process by which representatives of management and employees and their unions are brought together before a third person with a view to persuade…

Industrial Disputes

Industrial Disputes: Any dispute or difference between employees and employees. or between employers and employers, which is connected with the employment, or non-employment, or the…


Grow: Progress as a responsive trade union leadership, continuously scan the business environment, changing preferences of workforce, etc.


Share: Sharing responsibility, power, risks, accountability, competition, etc., with management in running the company.

Flexible Work Practices

Flexible Work Practices: Contingent compensation, variable pay, time—bound employment, merit promotions, employee recognition schemes.


Workmen: Any person employed in or in connection with the work of any establishment to do any skilled, semi-skilled or un-skilled manual, supervisory, technical or…


Contractor: "A person who undertakes to produce a given result for the establishment, other than a mere supply of goods or articles of manufacture to…

Contract labour

Contract labour: A workman shall be deemed to be employed as "contract labour" in or in connection with the work of an establishment when he…

Uplift Unions

Uplift Unions: They advocate extensive reforms well beyond the area of working condition, i.e., change in taxation system, elimination of poverty, etc.

Reformist or Welfare Unions

Reformist or Welfare Unions: Work for changes and reforms within existing sociopolitical framework of society - European Model.

Revolutionary Unions

Revolutionary Unions: Believe in destruction of existing social/economic order and creation of a new one. They want shift in power and Authority and use of…