Strategic Reward Management

Strategic Reward Management: Strategic reward management involves the formulation and implementation of an equitable reward system that is congruent with the organization's strategic objectives.

Task Interdependence

Task Interdependence: It reflects the extent to which team members have to exchange information and/or means for the completion of their contribution to the team…

Reward Interdependence

Reward Interdependence: It is the interdependence created by the way in which the pay indicators of a team member are related to the pay indicators…

Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS)

Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS): The Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS) is a list of "critical" behaviors, which the supervisor has to rate in terms of frequency.

EFQM Model

EFQM Model: It is a nine-box business excellence model, intended to help an organization to conduct self-assessment in measuring their performance results in terms of…

Statistical Process Control

Statistical Process Control: It helps to quickly detect the occurrence of assignable cause or process shifts so that investigation into the process and corrective action…

Pay for performance bonus

Pay for performance bonus: Pay for performance bonus is the (financial reward one receives upon the achievement of the targets as set on the pay…

Misfit (interdependence constructs)

Misfit (interdependence constructs): Misfit is the situation where performance goals and a pay for performance plan (a) create differing types of interdependence (not the same…

Goal interdependence

Goal interdependence: Goal interdependence is the interdependence created by the way in which the attainment of performance goals of team members is related to the…

Interdependence Constructs

Interdependence Constructs: Interdependence Constructs is the situation where performance goals and a pay for performance plan create the same type of interdependence (i.e., same direction),…

Content fit

Content fit: Content fit is the extent to which goal and pay indicators are related in terms of content, where content is defined as the…


Organization: Organization related to business performance - measured as profit or added value. These may be in the form of cash or shares.

Ad hoc teams

Ad hoc teams: Ad hoc teams set up to deal with a problem. They are short lived and operate as a task force.

Project teams

Project teams: Project teams brought together to complete a task. Once the task is complete, they disband.

Work teams

Work teams: Self-contained and permanent, delivering output. They focus on achievement of common purpose and are a function of common purpose and are a function…