
Camshaft: A shaft having a number of cams at appropriate angular positions for operating the valves at timings relative to the piston movement and in…

Bypass filter

Bypass filter: A filter through which only a part of the total engine lubricating oil flows.

Butterfly Valve

Butterfly Valve: A valve consisting of a flat circular pivoted along a diameter; used as throttle valve in carburettor engines.


Breathing: Ability of an engine to take in air-fuel mixture and to discharge exhaust gases efficiency. Many of the modern car engines are provided with…

Breakerless ignition

Breakerless ignition: Ignition system where the mechanical switching device, such as contact breaker is replaced by an electronic switching device through the use of transistors.

Breaker points (C.B. points)

Breaker points (C.B. points): A set of contact points for opening and closing the primary circuit of an electrical ignition system.

Boxer engine

Boxer engine: Horizontally opposed engine, where opposing pistons are attached to different crankpins.


Blow-by: Blow-by is said to occur when air-fuel mixture or the burnt gases from the combustion chamber leak past the piston rings to the sump.…


Bio-diesel: Fuel oil obtained from bio-sources like soya bean, jetrophe, etc. Having properties similar to diesel, it can be used in existing diesel engines without…

Bendix drive

Bendix drive: Inertia type of starter drive used in smaller vehicles.

Battery reserve capacity

Battery reserve capacity: The time in minutes of which the battery can supply 25 amp and 25°C, without the cell voltage falling below 1.75.

Battery capacity

Battery capacity: Amount of current the battery can deliver. It depends upon the number and area of plates, quality of the electrolyte and the temperature.

Back pressure

Back pressure: It is a form of resistance to the free flow of exhaust from the cylinder head. It may be due to badly designed…


Backfire: An engine is said to backfire when fresh unburnt charge of fuel burns in the exhaust system on account of leakage from the exhaust…