Engine capacity

Engine capacity: This is the total piston displacement of all the engine cylinders.

Electronic Ignition

Electronic Ignition: A system in which the timing and firing of the spark plugs is controlled by an electronic control unit, usually called a module.…

EGR system

EGR system: Exhaust Gas Re-circulation is one of the methods of diluting the intake charge of the engine with exhaust gas, which reduces NOx emission.


Dynamometer: An equipment used to measure engine power.


Dynamo: A device driven by the engine and producing direct current (d.c.)

Dynamic timing meter

Dynamic timing meter: A General Motors diesel engine tool used to measure timing while the engine is running by using a quartz sensor in the…


Dwell: Dwell is the time expressed in terms of the degrees of distributor cam rotation for which the contact breaker points remain closed. It is…

Double Overhead Camshaft ( DOHC)

Double Overhead Camshaft ( DOHC): The engine has two camshafts mounted in one cylinder head. One camshaft operates the intake valves, while the other operates…


Doping: The process of adding a very small quantity of impurity element to a semi-conductor material. Depending upon the type of impurity added, the semi-conductor…


D-Jetronic: Fuel injection system by Bosch, where 'D' stands for 'druck', which means 'pressure' in German language. The system is controlled by manifold pressure, indicating…

Distributorless Ignition System (DIS)

Distributorless Ignition System (DIS): An electronic ignition system which does not have a conventional rotating distributor. It employs multi-spark ignition coils or one ignition coil…


Distributor: A mechanically driven device on an engine which is responsible for electrically firing the spark plugs at a pre-determined point of the piston stroke…


Displacement: The volume of the cylinder between the top dead centre and the bottom dead centre positions of the piston.

Direct injection

Direct injection: A fuel injection system for diesel engines, wherein the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber, onto the top of the piston.