Collector Cutoff Current

Collector Cutoff Current: The small collector current that exists when the base current is zero in a CE connection. Ideally, there should be no collector…


Collector: The largest part of a transistor. It is called the collector because it collects or gathers the carriers sent into the base by the…

CMOS inverter

CMOS inverter: A circuit with complementary MOS transistors. The input voltage is either low or high, and the output voltage is either high or low.

Closed-loop quantity

Closed-loop quantity: The value of any quantity such as the voltage gain, input impedance, and output impedance that is changed by negative feedback.


Clipper: A circuit that removes some part of a signal. Clipping may be undesirable in a linear amplifier or desirable in a circuit such as…

Class B operation

Class B operation: Biasing of a transistor in such a way that it conducts for only half of the ac cycle.

Class A operation

Class A operation: This means the transistor is conducting throughout the ac cycle without going into saturation or cutoff.

Clapp Oscillator

Clapp Oscillator: A series-tuned Colpitts configuration noted for its good frequency stability.

Damper or DC Restorer

Damper or DC Restorer: A circuit for adding a dc component to an ac signal. Also known as a dc restorer.


Chopper: A JFET circuit that uses either a shunt or a series switch to convert a dc input voltage to a square-wave output.

Chebyshev Filter

Chebyshev Filter: A filter with extremely good selectivity. The attenuation rate is much higher than that of Butterworth filters. The main problem with this filter…

CE Amplifier

CE Amplifier: The most widely applied amplifier configuration, in which the input signal is fed into the base terminal and the output signal is taken…

CC Amplifier or Emitter follower

CC Amplifier or Emitter follower: An amplifier configuration in which the input signal is fed into the base terminal and the output signal is taken…

CB Amplifier

CB Amplifier: An amplifier configuration in which the input signal is fed into the emitter terminal and the output signal is taken from the collector…


Cathode: The element of an electronic device that provides the flow of electron current.