Covalent Bond

Covalent Bond: The shared electrons between the silicon atoms in a crystal represent covalent bonds because the adjacent silicon atoms pull on the shared electrons,…

Coupling Circuit

Coupling Circuit: A circuit that couples a signal from a generator to a load. The capacitor is in series with the Thevenin resistance of the…

Coupling Capacitor

Coupling Capacitor: A capacitor used to transmit an ac signal from one node to another.

Complementary MOS (CMOS)

Complementary MOS (CMOS): A method of reducing the current drain of a digital circuit by combining n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs.

Compensating Diodes

Compensating Diodes: These are the diodes used in a class B push-pull emitter follower. These diodes have current-voltage curves that match those of the emitter…

Compensating Capacitor

Compensating Capacitor: A capacitor inside an op amp that prevents oscillations. Also, any capacitor that stabilizes an amplifier with a negative-feedback path. Without this capacitor,…


Comparator: A circuit or device that detects when the input voltage is greater than a predetermined limit. The output is either a low or a…

Common-Source (CS) Amplifier

Common-Source (CS) Amplifier: A JFET amplifier in which the signal is coupled directly into the gate and all of the ac input voltage appears between…

Common-Mode Signal

Common-Mode Signal: A signal that is applied with equal strength to both inputs of a diff amp or an op amp.

Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)

Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): The ratio of differential gain to common-mode gain in an amplifier. It is a measure of the ability to reject a…

Common-Emitter Circuit

Common-Emitter Circuit: A transistor circuit where the emitter is common or grounded.

Common-Collector Amplifier

Common-Collector Amplifier: This is an amplifier whose collector is at ac ground. The signal goes into the base and comes out of the emitter.

Common Base (CB)

Common Base (CB): An amplifier configuration in which the input signal is fed into the emitter terminal and the output signal is taken from the…

Colpitts Oscillator

Colpitts Oscillator: One of the most widely used LC oscillators. It consists of a bipolar transistor or FET and an LC resonant circuit. You can…

Collector Diode

Collector Diode: The diode formed by the base and collector of a transistor.