MU4212 Digital Image Processing Laboratory Syllabus:

MU4212 Digital Image Processing Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To practice the image processing techniques imaging modalities
 To understand the basic concepts of image enhancement, image restoration,
 To understand the concepts of morphological image processing, image segmentation, feature recognition in images
 To provide information about classification and image visualization in image processing projects
 To familiarize and explore the application of image processing facilities in Matlab and its equivalent open source tools


1. Simulation and Display of an Image,
a) Binary & Gray Scale
b) Analysis of spitaI implementation of Relationships between Pixels
2. Transformations of an Image
3. Contrast stretching of a low contrast image,
a) Histogram processing and Histogram Equalization
4. Computation of Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation coefficient of the given Image
5. Implementation of image sharpening filters and Edge Detection using Gradient Filters
6. Image Compression by DCT,DPCM, HUFFMAN coding
7. Implementation of Image Enhancement Spatial filtering
a. Filtering in frequency domain
8. Implementation of Image Segmentation Edge, Iine, Point
9. Segmentation Region based segmentation
a. Segmentation using Watershed transformation
10. Analysis of different colour images
11. Image Compression and restoration techniques
12. Mini project on coloured images using maximum image processing techniques which support any format of pattern recognition.



CO1:Understand the Fundamentals of Image Processing Systems.
CO2:Perform enhancing operations on the image using spatial filters and frequency domain filters
CO3:Use transforms and analyze the characteristics of the image.
CO4:Perform segmentation operations in the images
CO5:Apply image processing techniques to solve real life problems and for further study in the field.


1. Rafael C.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods.Steven Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Pearson Education. Inc., Second Edition 2004.
2. Sridhar S, Digital Image Processing, Oxford University Press,Second Edition 2015
3. R. Gonzalez and R. Woods, “Digital Image Processing, third edition”, Prentice Hall, 2008.