MI4111 English Language Laboratory Syllabus:

MI4111 English Language Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To enable learners develop their communicative competence.
 To facilitate the process of acquiring and developing soft skills among the learners in a professional background.
 To enhance the employability skills of students to improve their prospects of placements.


1. Listening to academic and professional lectures and presentations.
2. Participating in group discussions – understanding group dynamics – brainstorming – expressing opinions, initiating and turn taking. Using appropriate body language in professional contexts – gestures, facial.
3. Making presentations – introducing oneself – introducing a topic – answering questions – individual presentation practice4. Creating effective PPTs – presenting the visuals effectively – designing slides.
5. Reading reports in newspaper, making a summary and presenting it.
6. Understanding graphical data – summarizing and interpreting it.
7. Writing job applications – writing covering letter and résumé – Applying for jobs online – email etiquette.
8. Writing for publications –conference papers, research reports
9. Drafting memos in business context – writing for blogs.
10. Interview skills– dress code – body language – mock interview.



 Speak confidently and professionally in business contexts
 Comprehend models of business communication in real time contexts
 Participate in discussions and interviews in a self-assured manner.


1. Effective Communication. John Adair, Pan Publishing
2. Effective English Communication. Krishna Mohan and Meenakshi Raman. 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.
3. Professional Communication Skills. Alok Jain, Pravin S., R.Bhatia, A.M. Sheikh, 3rd Edition, S Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2005.