MF4411 Project Work II Syllabus:

MF4411 Project Work II Syllabus โ€“ Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


(1) To develop knowledge to formulate a real-world problem.
(2) To break up the goal and evolve procedures
(3) To use different tools and techniques to arrive at a solution
(4) To validate the results analytically and experimentally
(5) To prepare a report and give a presentation

Student shall identify a major/critical problem related to the field of Manufacturing and carry out a literature survey/case studies/data collection. Student supposed to formulate Engineering solutions to set objectives, methodology to test their hypothesis/solutions and validate it theoretically/practically, planned and executed within the stipulated time.
Observations, results and inferences should be documented and presented as report in the prescribed format.


After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
(1) Design and analyze, an identified problem using scientific tools and research
(2) simulation/ Theoretical analysis of a physical system
(3) Integrate various domain knowledge in carrying out experimental work and provide a sustainable solution.
(4) Set Goals, Targets, timeline, plan and execute activities of the project
(5) Disseminate work both in oral and written format.