MF4112 Technical Seminar Syllabus:

MF4112 Technical Seminar Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


(1) To enrich the communication skills of the student through presentation of topics in recent advances in engineering/technology
(2) To ensure that students possess a comprehensive understanding of the latest development in his chosen area
(3) To ensure that students are getting updated with latest technology
A group of 2 students have to choose a problem and carry out scientific systematic investigation experimentally/ theoretically in suggesting a viable solution. At the end of the semester, each group of students have to submit a report for evaluation.
Depth of understanding, coverage, quality of presentation material (PPT/OHP) and communication skill of the student will be taken as measures for evaluation.


At the end of this course the students are expected;
(1) To develop skills to search, read, write, comprehend and present research papers in the areas of manufacturing engineering.
(2) Updated with the latest technology in the field of Manufacturing Engineering
(3) Able to plot graph, sketch, bring out the visual about his understanding on various topics