IF4111 Applied Probability and Statistical Analysis Laboratory Syllabus:

IF4111 Applied Probability and Statistical Analysis Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 Apply key concepts of probability, including discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions, conditioning, independence, expectations, and variances.
 Analyze statistical data graphically using frequency distributions and cumulative frequency distributions.
 Analyze statistical data using measures of central tendency, dispersion and location.
 Identify the type of statistical situation to which different distributions can be applied.
 Apply the concepts of interval estimation and confidence intervals.


1: Scrape the LivingSocial/Groupon sites for the daily deals and develop a prediction of how successful the deal will be based on location/price/type of deal. You could use either the RCurl R package or the XML R package to scrape the data.
2: Does social media presence or influence affect the performance of an employee?
3: Determine the best number of clusters from Crime Dataset.
4: Download data on state of the union speeches from here
(http://stateoftheunion.onetwothree.net/texts/index.html) and use the tm package in R to analyze the patterns of word use over time
5: Analysis of all the factors that contribute to low productivity in employees.



CO1: Translate real-world problems into probability models.
CO2: Derive the probability density function of transformation of random variables.
CO3: Use Poisson, exponential distributions to solve statistical problems..
CO4: How to derive the probability density function of transformations of random variables and use these techniques to generate data from various distributions.
CO5: How to translate real-world problems into probability models.