EV4211 Environmental and Processes Monitoring Laboratory Syllabus:

EV4211 Environmental and Processes Monitoring Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To develop the skill for conducting treatability studies of water and wastewater and monitoring of ambient air and noise quality

Name of Experiment

1. Coagulation and Flocculation
2. Batch studies on settling
3. Studies on Filtration- Characteristics of Filter media
4. Water softening
5. Adsorption studies/Kinetics
6. Langelier Saturation Index and Silt Density Index- For Membrane Filtration
7. Kinetics of suspended growth process (activated sludge process)-and Sludge volume Index
8. Sludge Filterability Test
9. Anaerobic Reactor systems / kinetics (Demonstration)
10. Advanced Oxidation Processes – (Photo catalysis)
11. Disinfection for Drinking water (Chlorination)
12. Ambient Air Sampling-Determination of PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NO2
13. Noise Monitoring-Determination of Equivalent Noise Level


After the completion of the course the students will be able
CO1 To conduct treatability studies on water and wastewater treatment
CO2 To determine the removal / degradation of pollutants from water and wastewater and arrive at kinetics
CO3 To design scaled up reactors for treatment of water and wastewater treatment based on laboratory studies
CO4 To determine ambient air quality of given study area in terms of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants
CO5 To determine Equivalent Noise Level by noise monitoring


1. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton and H. David Stensel, Wastewater engineering, treatment and reuse, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2017
2. Lee, C.C. and Shundar Lin. “Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations”, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1999.
3. AEESP Environmental Processes Laboratory Manual, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Foundation, Washington, 2002.
4. Aery N C., “Manual of Environmental Analysis”, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2014
5. CPCB, Guidelines for the Measurement of Ambient Air Pollutants, Volume I, Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, 2001