EE3413 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Syllabus:

EE3413 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


• To perform simple arithmetic operations using assembly language program and study the addressing modes & instruction set of 8085 & 8051
• To develop skills in simple program writing in assembly languages
• To write an assembly language program to convert Analog input to Digital output and Digital input to Analog output.
• To perform interfacing experiments with µP8085
• To perform interfacing experiments with µC8051.


1. Simple arithmetic operations: Multi precision addition / subtraction /multiplication / division.
2. Programming with control instructions: Increment / Decrement, Ascending / Descending order, Maximum / Minimum of numbers, Rotate instructions, Hex / ASCII / BCD code conversions.
3. Interface Experiments: A/D Interfacing. D/A Interfacing. Traffic light controller
4. Stepper motor controller interface.
5. Displaying a moving/ rolling message in the student trainer kit’s output device.


6. Simple arithmetic operations with 8051: Multi precision addition / subtraction / multiplication/ division.
7. Programming with control instructions: Increment / Decrement, Ascending / Descending. order, Maximum / Minimum of numbers, Rotate instructions, Hex / ASCII / BCD code conversions.
8. Interface Experiments: A/D Interfacing. D/A Interfacing. Traffic light controller
9. Stepper motor controller interface.
10. Displaying a moving/ rolling message in the student trainer kit’s output device.
11. Programming PIC architecture with software tools.


After studying the above subject, students should have the:
CO1: Ability to write assembly language program for microprocessor.
CO2: Ability to write assembly language program for microcontroller
CO3: Ability to design and implement interfacing of peripheral with microprocessor and microcontroller
CO4: Ability to analyze, comprehend, design and simulate microprocessor based systems used for control and monitoring..
CO5: Ability to analyze, comprehend, design and simulate microcontroller based systems used for control and monitoring.