EE3412 Linear and Digital Circuits Laboratory Syllabus:

EE3412 Linear and Digital Circuits Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behavior with combinational logic gate ICs.
 To learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behavior with register/ counter and sequential logic ICs.
 To learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behavior with OPAMP ICs.
 To learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behavior with analog Ics like 555 timer VCO and regulators.
 To learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behavior with digital Ics like decoders, multiplexers.


1. Implementation of Boolean Functions, Adder and Subtractor circuits.
2. Code converters: Excess-3 to BCD and Binary to Gray code converter and vice-versa.
3. Parity generator and parity checking.
4. Encoders and Decoders.
5. Counters: Design and implementation of 3-bit modulo counters as synchronous and Asynchronous types using FF IC’s and specific counter IC.
6. Shift Registers: Design and implementation of 4-bit shift registers in SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO modes using suitability IC’s.
7. Study of multiplexer and de multiplexer
8. Timer IC application: Study of NE/SE 555 timer in Astability, Monostability operation.
9. Application of Op-Amp: inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Adder, comparator, Integrator and Differentiator.
10. Voltage to frequency characteristics of NE/ SE 566 IC.
11. Variability Voltage Regulator using IC LM317.


At the end of the course, the student should have the:
CO1: Ability to understand and implement Boolean Functions.
CO2: Ability to understand the importance of code conversion
CO3: Ability to Design and implement circuits with digital ICs like decoders, multiplexers, register.
CO4: Ability to acquire knowledge on Application of Op-Amp
CO5: Ability to Design and implement counters using analog ICs like timers, VCOs and digital ICs like Flip-flops and counters.