EE3411 Electrical Machines Laboratory – II Syllabus:

EE3411 Electrical Machines Laboratory – II Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To expose the students to the operation of synchronous machines and induction motors and give them experimental skill.


1. Regulation of three phase alternator by EMF and MMF methods.
2. Regulation of three phase alternator by ZPF and ASA methods.
3. Regulation of three phase salient pole alternator by slip test.
4. Measurements of negative sequence and zero sequence impedance of alternators.
5. V and Inverted V curves of Three Phase Synchronous Motor.
6. Load test on three-phase induction motor.
7. No load and blocked rotor tests on three-phase induction motor (Determination of equivalent circuit parameters).
8. Separation of No-load losses of three-phase induction motor.
9. Load test on single-phase induction motor.
10. No load and blocked rotor test on single-phase induction motor.
11. Study of Induction Motor Starters


At the end of the course, the student should have the:
CO1: Ability to understand and analyze EMF and MMF methods
CO2: Ability to analyze the characteristics of V and Inverted V curves
CO3: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on alternators and obtaining their performance indices using standard analytical as well as graphical methods to understand the importance of Synchronous machines
CO4: Acquire hands on experience of conducting various tests on alternators and obtaining their performance indices using standard analytical as well as graphical methods to understand the importance of single and three phase Induction motors
CO5: Ability to acquire knowledge on separation of losses