EE3271 Electric Circuits Laboratory Syllabus:

EE3271 Electric Circuits Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To simulate various electric circuits using Pspice/ Matlab/e-Sim / Scilab
 To gain practical experience on electric circuits and verification of theorems


Familiarization of various electrical components, sources and measuring instruments

1. Simulation and experimental verification of series and parallel electrical circuit using fundamental laws.
2. Simulation and experimental verification of electrical circuit problems using Thevenin’s theorem.
3. Simulation and experimental verification of electrical circuit problems using Norton’s theorem.
4. Simulation and experimental verification of electrical circuit problems using Superposition theorem.
5. Simulation and experimental verification of Maximum Power transfer theorem.
6. Simulation and Experimental validation of R-C,R-L and RLC electric circuit transients
7. Simulation and Experimental validation of frequency response of RLC electric circuit.
8. Design and implementation of series and parallel resonance circuit.
9. Simulation and experimental verification of three phase balanced and unbalanced star, delta networks circuit (Power and Power factor calculations).


 Use simulation and experimental methods to verify the fundamental electrical laws for the given DC/AC circuit (Ex 1)
 Use simulation and experimental methods to verify the various electrical theorems (Superposition, Thevenin , Norton and maximum power transfer) for the given DC/AC circuit (Ex 2-5)
 Analyze transient behavior of the given RL/RC/RLC circuit using simulation and experimental methods (Ex 6)
 Analyze frequency response of the given series and parallel RLC circuit using simulation and experimentation methods (Ex 7-8)
 Analyze the performance of the given three-phase circuit using simulation and experimental methods (Ex 9)