ED4161 Vibration Laboratory Syllabus:

ED4161 Vibration Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


1. To evaluate the stiffness and natural frequency of spring-mass systems.
2. To determine the natural frequencies of damped and undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor systems and obtain the radius of gyration of a body through torsional oscillations.
3. To acquire the critical speed of shaft supported at its ends.
4. To assess the natural frequency, damping coefficient, mode shapes of specimens under free vibrations.
5. To determine the natural frequency of specimens under forced vibrations


1) Determination of stiffness and natural frequency of undamped spring-mass systems arranged in series, parallel and series-parallel fashions
2) Determination of effective radius of gyration of an irregular body through torsional oscillation of tri filar suspension
3) Determination of natural frequency a single rotor un damped shaft system
4) Determination of natural frequency a single rotor damped shaft system
5) Determination of critical speed of shaft
6) Determination of natural frequency and mode shapes of specimens supported at its ends through modal analysis
7) Determination of damping coefficient of specimens supported at its ends
8) Forced vibration of specimens supported under simply supported and cantilever boundary conditions – Determination of natural frequency


On Completion of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Evaluate the stiffness and natural frequency of spring-mass systems.
CO 2 Determine the natural frequencies of damped and undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor systems
CO 3 Acquire the critical speed of shaft supported at its ends.
CO 4 Assess the natural frequency, damping coefficient, mode shapes of specimens under free vibrations.
CO 5 Determine the natural frequency of specimens under forced vibrations.