ED4001 Surface Engineering Syllabus:

ED4001 Surface Engineering Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


1. To study the basics of surface features and different types of friction in metals and nonmetals.
2. To analyze the different types of wear mechanism and international standard used in friction and wear measurement
3. To study the different types of corrosion and its preventive measures.
4. To study the different types of surface treatments and surface modification techniques.
5. To analyze the different types of materials used in the friction and wear applications


Topography of Surfaces– Surface features – Properties and measurement– Surface interaction – Adhesive Theory of Sliding Friction–Rolling Friction- Friction properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials–Friction in extreme conditions –Thermal considerations in sliding contact


Introduction – Abrasive wear, Erosive, Cavitation, Adhesion, Fatigue wear and Fretting Wear Laws of wear – Theoretical wear models – Wear of metals and non metals – International standards in friction and wear measurement


Introduction – Principle of corrosion – Classification of corrosion – Types of corrosion – Factors influencing corrosion–Testing of corrosion–In-service monitoring, Simulated service, Laboratory testing – Evaluation of corrosion – Prevention of Corrosion – Material selection, Alteration of environment, Design, Cathodic and Anodic Protection, Corrosion inhibitors


Introduction–Surface properties, Superficial layer–Changing surface metallurgy–Wear resistant coatings and Surface treatments – Techniques – PVD – CVD – Physical CVD – Ion implantation – Surface welding – Thermal spraying – Laser surface hardening and alloying, laser re-melting, and laser cladding. Applications of coatings and surface treatments in wear and friction control – Characteristics of Wear resistant coatings – New trends in coating technology –DLC – CNC – Thick coatings – Nano-engineered coatings – Other coatings, Corrosion resistant coating


Introduction–Advanced alloys–Super alloys, Titanium alloys, Magnesium alloys, Aluminium alloys, and Nickel based alloys–Ceramics–Polymers–Biomaterials–Applications–Bio Tribology Nano Tribology


On Completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1 Understand the basics of surface features, laws of friction and different types of friction
CO2 Develop the knowledge of various wear mechanism and its measurement
CO3 Understand the types of corrosion and its preventive measures
CO4 Familiarize the types of surface properties and various surface modification techniques
CO5 Ability to understand the different types of materials used in the friction and wear applications


1. G.W.Stachowiak & A.W.Batchelor,“EngineeringTribology”,Butterworth-Heinemann, UK, 2005
2. Rabinowicz.E,“Friction and Wear of materials”,JohnWilley&Sons,UK,1995
3. Halling,J.(Editor)–“Principles of Tribology“,Mac millian–1984
4. WilliamsJ.A.“EngineeringTribology”,OxfordUniv.Press,1994
5. S.K.Basu, S.N.Sengupta & B.B.Ahuja ,”Fundamentals of Tribology”, Prentice –Hall of India Pvt.Ltd,New Delhi,2005
6. FontanaG.,“Corrosion Engineering”,McGrawHill,1985