EC3311 Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory Syllabus:

EC3311 Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To enable the students to understand the behavior of semiconductor device based on experimentation.
 Be exposed to active and passive circuit elements.
 Familiarize the operation and characteristics of transistor like BJT and FET.
 Explore the characteristics of amplifier gain and frequency response.
 Learn the required functionality of positive and negative feedback systems.


1. Characteristics of Semiconductor diode, Zener diode , photo diode , and photo transistor.
2. Characteristics of NPN Transistor under common emitter , common collector and common base configurations
3. Characteristics of JFET and draw the equivalent circuit
4. Characteristics of UJT and generation of saw tooth waveforms
5. Design and frequency response characteristics of a Common Emitter amplifier
6. Characteristics of light activated relay circuit
7. Design and testing of RC phase shift and LC oscillators
8. Characteristics of Single Phase half-wave and full wave rectifiers with inductive and capacitive filters
9. Design of Differential amplifiers using FET
10. Measurement of frequency and phase angle using CRO
11. Realization of passive filters


Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Analyze the characteristics of PN, Zener diode and BJT in CE,CC,CB configurations experimentally
CO2: Analyze the characteristics of JFET and UJT experimentally
CO3: Analyze frequency response characteristics of a Common Emitter amplifier experimentally
CO4: Analyze the characteristics of RC phase shift and LC oscillators experimentally
CO5: Analyze the characteristics of half-wave and full-wave rectifier with and without filters experimentally
CO6: Analyze the characteristics of FET based differential amplifier experimentally
CO7: Calculate the frequency and phase angle using CRO experimentally
CO8: Analyze the frequency response characteristics of passive filters experimentally