CX4111 Computational Programming Laboratory for Chemical Engineers Syllabus:

CX4111 Computational Programming Laboratory for Chemical Engineers Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To give the students an understanding the fundamentals concepts in mathematics
 To make understanding the chemical engineering problems solving using MATLAB
 To make understanding the students to design using computer programming


1. Equations of state using Newton‘s method
2. Regression for parameter estimation using a set of data points
3. Equilibrium flash distillation(Multicomponent Ideal)
4. Batch Reactor
5. CSTR in Series Stagewise contacting equipment
6. Solving a simple flow sheet by simultaneous approach
7. Simulation of batch Distillation (binary ideal).
8. Gravity Flow Tank
9. Heat Exchanger
10. Plug Flow Reactor
11. Absorber

Specific examples in ASPEN/HYSYS/MATLAB/EXCEL

1. Solving equation of state, regression of parameters using EXCEL/MATLAB
2. CalculationofReynoldsnumber,frictionfactorandpressuredropusingEXCEL/MATLAB
3. Calculation of heat transfer coefficient in a Heat Exchanger using EXCEL/MATLAB
4. Calculation of minimum Reflux ratio for binary/tertiary system in a fractionators using


1. Calculation of HTU and NTU in a Absorber using EXCEL/MATLAB
2. Calculation of Antoine‘s coefficient using EXCEL/MATLAB
3. EstimationofsettlingvelocityofsolidsinliquidsusingStoke‘slawusingEXCEL/MATLAB
4. CalculationofminimumnumberofstagesinadistillationcolumnusingEXCEL/MATLAB
5. Solving mass and energy balance problems using EXCEL/MATLAB
6. Calculation of Power in Reciprocating compressor using EXCEL/MATLAB
7. Steady state simulation of Heat Exchanger using ASPENPLUS/ HYSYS
8. Steady state simulation of a CSTR using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
9. Steady state simulation of Flash vessel using ASPEN PLUS/HYSYS
10. Steady state simulation of Distillation Column using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
11. Steady state simulation of an Absorption column using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
12. Dynamic simulation of Heat Exchanger using ASPENPLUS/ HYSYS
13. Dynamic simulation of a CSTR using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
14. Dynamic simulation of Flash vessel using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
15. Dynamic simulation of Distillation Column using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
16. Dynamic simulation of an Absorption column using ASPENPLUS/HYSYS
17. Developing Heat and Mass balance diagram using ASPEN PLUS/ HYSYS


 Standalone desktops/server with respective simulation softwares 18 Nos.
 Softwares
 MATLAB Single user license
 Open source office
 Open source chemical engineering simulation software.



The students will be able to
CO1: Explain the various software’s used in chemical engineering industries and its applications
CO2: Learn Microsoft excel for solving various chemical engineering problems
CO3: Learn about the role of MATLAB/ASPEN/HYSYS in various chemical industries and its applications


1. Bequette.B.W,―ProcessDynamics‖:Modelling,AnalysisandSimulation,‖PrenticeHall(1998)
2. Himmelblau.D.M.andBischoff.K.B,―ProcessAnalysisandSimulation‖,Wiley,1988.
3. Strang.G.,‖Introduction to Linear Algebra‖, Cambridge Press, 4th edition, 2009.
4. William. Luyben,―Process Modelling, simulation and control for Chemical Engineers,2nd Edn.,McGra w Hill International Editions, New York, 1990
5. Chapra.S.C. and Canale.R.P. ―Numerical Methods for Engineers ‖,McGraw Hill,2001