CO4111 Conservation Studio I Syllabus:

CO4111 Conservation Studio I Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To enable the student to understand the difference between a conservation project and a new design project
 To enable the student to understand the importance of site context and age of the building/ site.
 To prepare the student to see the potential of a building in disrepair and analyze the methods it can be rehabilitated with.


Projects either by individuals or groups shall be worked upon emphasizing on the following:
 Understanding historic buildings / site.
 Demarcation of historic sites and its relationship to surroundings.
 Detailed documentation of the site/structure.
 Understanding the building and composition of building materials.
 Identification of function, use and condition of the buildings/site.
 Statement of Significance of historic buildings/site.
 Maintenance, Management and Conservation of the buildings/site includes planning interventions.

The project contents would include programming for the project, appreciation and identification of heritage value, interpretation and interventions. Exploring various research methods & data collection techniques would be part of the exercise. The tutorials and studio program will help the students in the development of project statement, data analysis and critical inferences for design application.



CO1 The students should be able to apply themselves as a conservation architect
CO2 The students should be able to analyze the importance of the cultural heritage of the site and building
CO3 The students should be able to build a sustainable heritage proposal for an historic building.