CN4212 Statistical Analysis for Construction Engineers Laboratory Syllabus:

CN4212 Statistical Analysis for Construction Engineers Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To provide hands on training in basic spread sheet software.
 To provide hands on training in advanced spread sheet software.
 To provide hands on training in data analytical tools.


1. Descriptive Statistics: frequency distribution, Applications (Charts, Graphs etc.)
2. Use of statistical packages Correlation, ANOVA , Cross Tabulation, t- Test and Simple and Multiple Regression
3. Solving Linear Programming Problems, Transportation and Assignment Models
4. Solving Network Flow Models
5. Solving Decision making Problems in Project Management


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to
CO1 Formulate descriptive statistics with charts and graphs using spreadsheet softwares and interpretation of results
CO2 Analyse construction management field data using Statistical tools.
CO3 Solve Linear Programming Problems, transportation and assignment problems by appropriate techniques and evaluate the behaviour under different range of parameters
CO4 Perform network analysis and decision making in project management
CO 5 Solve Construction management problems using decision making tool.