Emitter Diode

Emitter Diode: The diode formed by the emitter and base of a transistor.

Emitter Bias

Emitter Bias: The best way to bias a transistor for operation in the active region. The key idea is to set up a fixed value…


Emitter: The part of a transistor that is the source of carriers. For npn transistors, the emitter sends free electrons into the base. For pnp…


Efficiency: The ac load power divided by the dc power supplied to the circuit multiplied by 100 percent.

Duty Cycle

Duty Cycle: The width of a pulse divided by the period between pulses. Usually, you multiply by 100 percent to get the answer as a…


Donor: A pentavalent atom, one that has five valence electrons. Each pentavalent atom produces one free electron in a silicon crystal.

Discrete Circuit

Discrete Circuit: A circuit whose components, such as resistors, transistors, etc., are soldered or otherwise connected mechanically.

Direct Coupling

Direct Coupling: Using a direct wire connection instead of a coupling capacitor between stages. For this to succeed, the designer has to make sure the…

Diff Amp

Diff Amp: A two-transistor circuit whose ac output is an amplified version of the ac input signal between the two bases.


Diac: A silicon bilateral device used to gate other devices such as triacs.

Derived Formula

Derived Formula: A formula or an equation that is a mathematical rearrangement of one or more existing equations.

Derating Factor

Derating Factor: A value that tells you how much to reduce the power rating for each degree above the reference temperature given on the data…

Depletion-mode MOSFET

Depletion-mode MOSFET: A FET with an insulated gate that relies on the action of a depletion layer to control the drain current.