Linear Regulator

Linear Regulator: The series regulator is an example of a linear regulator. The thing that makes a linear regulator is the fact that the pass…

Linear Op-amp Circuit

Linear Op-amp Circuit: This is a circuit where the op amp never saturates under normal operating conditions. This implies that the amplified output has the…


Linear: Usually refers to the graph of current versus voltage for a resistor.

Light-emitting Diode

Light-emitting Diode: A diode that radiates colored light such as red, green, yellow, etc. or invisible light such as infrared.


Lifetime: The average amount of time between the creation and recombination of a free electron and a hole.

LED driver

LED driver: A circuit that can produce enough current through a LED to get light.

Leakage Current

Leakage Current: leakage current often used for the total reverse current of a diode. It includes thermally produced current as well as the surface leakage…

Lead-lag Circuit

Lead-lag Circuit: A circuit that combines a coupling and a bypass circuit. The angle of the output phasor voltage may be positive or negative with…

Lead Circuit

Lead Circuit: Another name for a coupling circuit. The word lead refers to the angle of the output phasor voltage, which is positive with respect…


Latch: Two transistors connected with positive feedback to simulate the action of a thyristor.

Lag Circuit

Lag Circuit: Another name for a bypass circuit. The word lag refers to the angle of the output phasor voltage, which is negative with respect…

Knee Voltage

Knee Voltage: The point or area on a graph of diode current versus voltage where the forward current suddenly increases. it is approximately equal to…


Junction: The border where p- and n-type semiconductors meet. Unusual things happen at a pn junction such as the depletion layer, the barrier potential, etc.

Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Inverting Voltage Amplifier: As the name implies, the amplified output voltage is inverted with respect to the input voltage.

Inverting Input

Inverting Input: The input to a diff amp or an op amp that produces an inverted output.