
Mixer: An op-amp circuit that can have a different voltage gain for each of several input signals. The total output signal is a superposition of…

Miller’s theorem

Miller's theorem: It says a feedback capacitor is equiva­lent to two new capacitances, one across the input and the other across the output. The most…


Midband: We have defined this as 10f1 to 0.1f2. In this range of frequencies, the voltage gain is within 0.5 percent of the maximum voltage gain.

Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)

Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET): Often used in switching amplifier applications, this transistor provides extremely low power dissipation even with high currents.

Measured Voltage Gain

Measured Voltage Gain: The voltage gain that you calculate from the measured values of input and output voltage.

Maximum Forward Current

Maximum Forward Current: The maximum amount of current that a forward-biased diode can withstand before burning out or being seriously degraded.

Majority Carrier

Majority Carrier: Carriers are either free electrons or holes. If the free electrons outnumber the holes, the electrons are the majority carriers. If the holes…

Lower Trip Point (LTP)

Lower Trip Point (LTP): One of the two input voltages at which the output voltage changes states. LTP = -BVsat.

Loop Gain

Loop Gain: The product of the differential voltage gain A and the feedback fraction B. The value of this product is usually very large. If…

Load Regulation

Load Regulation: The change in the regulated load voltage when the load current changes from its minimum to its maximum specified value.

Load Power

Load Power: The ac power in the load resistor.

Load line

Load line: A tool used to find the exact value of diode current and voltage.

Lissajous Pattern

Lissajous Pattern: The pattern appearing on an oscilloscope when harmonically related signals are applied to the horizontal and vertical inputs.

Line Voltage

Line Voltage: The voltage from the power line. It has a nominal value of 115 V rms. In some places, it may be as loss…