Power Gain

Power Gain: The ratio of output power to input power.

Power Dissipation

Power Dissipation: The product of voltage and current in a resistor or other nonreactive device. Rate at which heat is produced within a device.

Power Bandwidth

Power Bandwidth: The highest frequency that an op amp can handle without distorting the output signal. The power bandwidth is inversely proportional to the peak…

Positive Limiter

Positive Limiter: A circuit that clips off the positive parts of the input signal.

Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback: Feedback where the returning signal aids or increases the effect of the input voltage.

Positive Damper

Positive Damper: A circuit that produces a positive dc shift of a signal by moving all the input signal upward until the negative peaks are…

PNP Transistor

PNP Transistor: A semiconductor sandwich. It contains an n region between two p regions.

PN Junction

PN Junction: The border between p-type and n-type semiconductors.

Pinchoff Voltage

Pinchoff Voltage: The border between the ohmic region and the current-source region of a depletion-mode device when the gate voltage is zero.

Piezoelectric Effect

Piezoelectric Effect: Vibration that occurs when a crystal is excited by an ac signal across its plates.

Pierce Crystal Oscillator

Pierce Crystal Oscillator: A popular oscillator configuration that uses field-effect transistors, favored because of its simplicity.


Phototransistor: A transistor with a collector junction that is exposed to light, producing more sensitivity to light than a photodiode does.


Photodiode: A reverse-biased diode that is sensitive to incoming light. The stronger the light, the larger the reverse minority-carrier current.

Phase Splitter

Phase Splitter: A circuit that produces two voltages of the same amplitude but opposite phase. It is useful for driving class B push-pull amplifiers. If…