Summer Circuit

Summer Circuit: An op-amp circuit whose output voltage is the sum of the two or more input voltages.


Substrate: A region in a depletion mode MOSFET located opposite from the gate, forming a channel through which electrons flowing from source to drain must…

Stiff Voltage Source

Stiff Voltage Source: A voltage source whose internal resistance is at least 100 times smaller than the load resistance.

Stiff Voltage Divider

Stiff Voltage Divider: A voltage divider whose loaded output voltage is within 1 percent of its unloaded output voltage.

Stiff Current Source

Stiff Current Source: A current source whose internal resistance is at least 100 times larger than the load resistance.

Stepdown Transformer

Stepdown Transformer: A transformer with more primary turns than secondary turns. This results in less secondary voltage than primary voltage.

Source Regulation

Source Regulation: The change in the regulated output voltage when the input or source voltage changes from its minimum to its maximum specified voltage.

Source Follower

Source Follower: The leading JFET amplifier. You see it used more than any other JFET amplifier.

Soft Saturation

Soft Saturation: Operation of the transistor at the upper end of the load line with just enough base current to produce saturation.

Small-Signal Operation

Small-Signal Operation: This refers to an input voltage that produces only small fluctuations in the current and voltage. Our rule for small-signal transistor operation is…

Small-Signal Amplifier

Small-Signal Amplifier: This type of amplifier is used at the front end of receivers because the signal coming in is very weak. (The peak-to-peak emitter…

Slew Rate

Slew Rate: The maximum rate that the output voltage of an op amp can change. It causes distortion for high-frequency large-signal operation.