Upper Trip Point (UTP)

Upper Trip Point (UTP): One of the two input voltages in which the output voltage changes states. UTP = BVsat.

Unwanted Bypass Circuit

Unwanted Bypass Circuit: A circuit that appears in the base or collector sides of a transistor because of internal transistor capacitances and stray wiring capacitances.

Universal Curve

Universal Curve: A solution in the form of a graph that solves a problem for a whole class of circuits. The universal curve for self-biased…

Unity-Gain Frequency

Unity-Gain Frequency: The frequency where the voltage gain of an op amp is 1. It indicates the highest usable frequency. It is important because it…

Unijunction Transistor (UJT)

Unijunction Transistor (UJT): This low-power thyristor is useful in electronic timing, waveshaping, and control applications.

Two-State Output

Two-State Output: This is the output voltage from a digital or switching circuit. It is referred to as two-state because the output has only two…

Twin-T oscillator

Twin-T oscillator: An oscillator that receives the positive feedback to the noninverting input through a voltage divider and the negative feedback through the twin-T filter.

Trip Point

Trip Point: The value of the input voltage that switches the output of a comparator or Schmitt trigger.

Trigger Voltage

Trigger Voltage: The minimum voltage needed to turn on a thyristor.

Trigger Current

Trigger Current: The minimum current needed to turn on a thyristor.


Trigger: A sharp pulse of voltage and current that is used to turn on a thyristor or other switching device.

Trial and Error

Trial and Error: Suppose you have a problem involving two simultaneous equations. Instead of solving this in the usual left-brain mathematical way, you can guess…