Access Operations

Access Operations: Operations which access the state of a variable or object but do not modify it.


Abstraction: The act of representing the essential features of something without including much detail.

Abstract Data Type (ADT)

Abstract Data Type (ADT): An abstraction that describes a set of objects in terms of an encapsulated or hidden data and operations on that data.

Abstract Class

Abstract Class: A class that serves only as a base class from which classes are derived. No objects of an abstract base class are created.…


#include: A preprocessor directive that causes the named file to be inserted in place of the #include.


#define: A C++ preprocessor directive that defines a substitute text for a name.

Zener Voltage

Zener Voltage: The breakdown voltage of a zener diode. This is the approximate voltage out of a zener voltage regulator.

Zener Resistance

Zener Resistance: The bulk resistance of a zener diode. It is very small compared to the current-limiting resistance in series with the zener diode.

Zener Effect

Zener Effect: Sometimes called high-field emission, this occurs when the intensity of the electric field becomes high enough to dislodge valence electrons in a reverse-biased…

Zener Diode

Zener Diode: A diode designed to operate in reverse breakover with a very stable voltage drop.

Wien-bridge oscillator

Wien-bridge oscillator: An RC oscillator consisting of an amplifier and a Wien bridge. This is the most widely used low-frequency oscillator. It is ideal for…


Wafer: A thin slice of a crystal used as a chassis for integrated components.

Voltage-to-Current Converter

Voltage-to-Current Converter: A circuit that is equivalent to a controlled current source. The input voltage controls the current. The current is then constant and independent…

Voltage Source

Voltage Source: Ideally, an energy source that produces a constant load voltage for any value of the load resistance. To a second approximation, it includes…

Voltage Regulator

Voltage Regulator: A device or circuit that holds the load voltage almost constant, even though the load current and source voltage are changing. Ideally, a…