Bitwise Operator

Bitwise Operator: An operator that performs Boolean operations on two operands, treating each bit in an operand as individual bits and performing the operation bit…

Bitmapped Graphics

Bitmapped Graphics: Computer graphics where each pixel in the graphic output device is controlled by a single bit or a group of bits.

Bit Flip

Bit Flip: The inversion of all bits in an operand.

Bit Field

Bit Field: A group of contiguous bits taken together as a unit. This C++ language feature allows the access of individual bits.


Bit: Binary digit; either of the digits 0 or 1.

Base Class

Base Class: A class from which other classes are derived. A derived class can inherit members from a base class.


Attribute: A property of an object. It cannot exist independently of the object. Attributes may take other objects as values.


ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A code to represent characters.


Array: A collection of data elements arranged to be indexed in one or more dimensions. In C++, arrays are stored in contiguous memory.


ANSI C++: Any version of C++ that conforms to the specifications of the American National Standards Institute.


ANSI C: Any version of C that conforms to the specifications of the American National Standards Institute Committee X3J.

Anonymous Union

Anonymous Union: An unnamed union in C++. The members can be used like ordinary variables.


Alias: Two or more variables that refer to the same data are said to be aliases of one another.


Address: A value that identifies a storage location in memory.