
Coding: The act of writing a program in a computer language.


Client: An object that uses the services of another object called server. That is, clients can send messages to servers.


Class-oriented: Object-based systems in which every instance belongs to a class, but classes may not have super classes.

Classification Structure

Classification Structure: A tree or network structure based on the semantic primitives of inclusion and membership which indicates that inheritance may implement specialization or generalization.…

Class Object

Class Object: A variable whose type is a class. An instance of a class.

Class Network

Class Network: A collection of classes, some of which are derived from others. A class network is a class hierarchy generalized to allow for multiple…

Class Hierarchy

Class Hierarchy: Class hierarchy consists of a base class and derived classes. When a derived class has a single base class, it is known as…


Class: A group of objects that share common properties and relationships. In C++, a class is a new data type that contains member variables and…


Cast: To convert a variable from one type to another type by explicitly.

Call by Value

Call by Value: A function call mechanism that passes arguments to a function by passing a copy of the value of the arguments.

Call by Reference

Call by Reference: A function call mechanism that passes arguments to a function by passing the addresses of the arguments.


C++: An object-oriented language developed by Bjarne Stroutstrup as a successor of C.


C: A general-purpose computer programming language developed in 1974 at Bell Laboratories by Dennis Ritchie. C is considered to be medium-to high level language.


Breakpoint: A location in a program where normal execution is suspended and control is turned over to the debugger.

Borland C++

Borland C++: A version of the C++ language for personal computers developed by Borland. This is the high-end version of Borland's Turbo-C++ product.