Data Hiding

Data Hiding: A property whereby the internal data structure of an object is hidden from the rest of the program. The data can be accessed…

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD): A diagram that depicts the flow of data through a system and the processes that manipulate the data.

Curly Braces

Curly Braces: One of the characters { or }. They are used in C++ to delimit groups of elements to treat them as a unit.

Copy Constructor

Copy Constructor: The constructor that creates a new class object from an existing object of the same class.

Control Variables

Control Variables: A variable that is systematically changed during the execution of the loop. When the variable reaches a predetermined value, the loop is terminated.

Control Statement

Control Statement: A statement that determines which statement is to be executed next based on a conditional test.

Container Class

Container Class: A class that contains objects of other classes.


Constructor: A special member function for automatically creating an instance of a class. This function has the same name as the class.

Conditional Compilation

Conditional Compilation: The ability to selectively compile parts of a program based on the truth of conditions tested in conditional directives that surround the code.


Structure: A tree structure based on the semantic primitive part of which indicates that certain objects may be assembled from the collection of other objects.…

Complement Composition

Complement Composition: An arithmetic or logical operation. A logical complement is the same as an invert or NOT operation.


Compiler: A system program that does compilation.


Compiliation: The translation of source code into machine code.

Comment Block

Comment Block: A group of related comments that convey general information about a program or a section of program.


Comment: Text included in a computer program for the sole purpose of providing information about the program. Comments are a programmer's notes to himself and…