Escape Character

Escape Character: A special character used to change the meaning of the character(s) that follow. This is represented in C++ by the backslash character '\'.

Error State

Error State: For a stream, flags that determine whether an error has occurred and, if so, give some indication of its severity.

Enumerated Data Type

Enumerated Data Type: A data type consisting of a named set of values. The C++ compiler assigns an integer to each member of the set.


Encapsulation: The mechanism by which the data and functions (manipulating this data) are bound together within an object definition.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Dynamic Memory Allocation: The means by which data objects can be created as they are needed during the program execution. Such data objects remain in…

Dynamic Binding or Late Binding

Dynamic Binding or Late Binding: The addresses of the functions are determined at run time rather than compile time. This is also known as late…


Directive: A command to the preprocessor (as opposed to a statement to produce machine code).


Destructor: A function that is called to deallocate memory of the objects of a class.

Derived Class

Derived Class: A class that inherits some or all of its members from another class, called base class.

De-referencing Operator

De-referencing Operator: The operator that indicates access to the value pointed to by a pointer variable or an addressing expression.

Default Argument

Default Argument: An argument value that is specified in a function declaration and is used if the corresponding actual argument is omitted when the function…


Declaration: A specification of the type and name of a variable to be used in a program.

Decision Statement

Decision Statement: A statement that tests a condition created by a program and changes the flow of the program based on that decision.


Debugging: The process of finding and removing errors from a program.

Data Member

Data Member: A variable that is declared in a class declaration.