Intermediate Base Class

Intermediate Base Class: A class that lies on an inheritance path connecting a base class and a derived class. For example, if class C is…


Instantiation: The creation of a data item representing a variable or a class (giving a value to something).

Instance Variable

Instance Variable: A data member that is not designated as static. Each instance of a class contains a corresponding data object for each nonstatic data…


Instance: An instance of a class is an object whose type is the class in question.

Insertion Operator

Insertion Operator: The operator <<, which is used to send output data to the screen.

Inline Function

Inline Function: A function definition such that each call to the function is, in effect, replaced by the statements that define the function.

Initialization List

Initialization List: In the definition of a constructor, the function heading can be followed by a colon and a list of calls to other constructors.…

Inheritance Path

Inheritance Path: A series of classes that provide a path along which inheritance can take. For example, if class B is derived from A, class…


Inheritance: A relationship between classes such that the state and implementation of an object or module should be private to that object or module and…

Information Hiding

Information Hiding: The principle which states that the state and implementation of an object or module should be private to that object or module and…

Indirection Operator

Indirection Operator: The operator *, which is used to access a value referred to by a pointer.


Index: A value, variable or expression that selects a particular element of an array.

Include File

Include File: A file that is merged with source code by invocation of the preprocessor directive #include. Also called a header file.


Implementation: The source code that embodies the realization of the design.

I/O Manipulators

I/O Manipulators: Functions that when "output" or "input" cause no I/O, but set various conversion flags or parameters.