Overflow Error

Overflow Error: An arithmetic error caused by the result of an arithmetic operation being greater than the space the computer provides to store the result.


Operator: A symbol that represents an action to be performed.

One’s Complement

One's Complement: An operation that flips all the bits in a integer. Ones become zeros and zeros become ones.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming: Implementation of programs using the objects in an object-oriented language like C++.

Object-Oriented Analysis

Object-Oriented Analysis: A method of analysis in which the system requirements are identified in terms of objects and their interactions.

Object-Oriented Design

Object-Oriented Design: A method of realizing the system requirements it terms of classes, class hierchies and their interrelationships.


Object-Oriented: Object-oriented systems are object-based, and also support inheritance between classes and superclasses and allow objects to send messages to themselves.


Object-based: Systems are object-based when they allow objects to encapsulate both the data and methods and when they enforce the object identity.


Object: An entity that can store data and, send and receive messages. An instance of a class.

Null Character

Null Character: The character whose integer code is 0. The null character is used for terminating strings.

Null Pointer

Null Pointer: A pointer that does not point to any data object. In C++, the null pointer can be represented by the constant 0.


Null: A constant of value 0 that points to nothing.


Normalization: The shifting of a floating-point fraction (and adjustment of the exponent) so there are no leading non significant digits in the fraction.

Non Significant Digits

Non Significant Digits: Leading digits that do not affect the value of a number (0s for a positive number, 1s for a negative number in…

New-line Character

New-line Character: A character that causes an output device to go to the beginning of a new line.