Single Inheritance

Single Inheritance: The situation in which a derived class has only one base class.

Significant Digit

Significant Digit: A digit that must be kept to preserve a given accuracy.


Server: An object which performs operations according to the client's requests but may not act upon other objects. It may only send messages to other…

Segmentation violation

Segmentation violation: An error caused by a program trying to access memory outside its address space. Caused by de-referencing a bad pointer.

Scope Resolution Operator

Scope Resolution Operator: The operator which is usually used to indicate the class in which an identifier is declared.


Scope: The scope of a variable is the portion of a program where the name of the variable is known.

Rounding Error

Rounding Error: An error due to truncation in rounding.

Right Shift

Right Shift: The operation of moving the bits in a bit field right by a specified amount.


Reusability: A feature which is supported in object-oriented programming. This allows the reuse of existing classes without redefinition.

Return Statement

Return Statement: A statement that signals the completion of a function and causes control to return to the caller.

Relational Operator

Relational Operator: An operator that compares two operands and reports either true or false based on whether the relationship is true of false.

Qualifier Recursion

Qualifier Recursion: A word used to modify the meaning of a data declaration. Recursion occurs when a function calls itself directly or indirectly.

Pure Virtual Function

Pure Virtual Function: A virtual function that is declared in a base class but not defined there. The responsibility for defining the function falls on…

Public Base Class

Public Base Class: A base class which allows its public and protected members to be inherited as, respectively, public and protected members of the derived…

Public Member

Public Member: A class member that is accessible to all users of the class. The access is not restricted to the member and friend functions…