Universities and Colleges in Malaysia

Universities and Colleges in Malaysia: Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in Malaysia Public universities University of Malaya University of Science Malaysia The…

Universities in Malawi

Universities in Malawi: Following are the list of Universities in Malawi Public Universities Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Malawi University of Science and…

Universities in Madagascar

Universities in Madagascar: Following are the list of Universities in Madagascar University Names Arsenal Higher Polytechnic Institute Catholic University of Madagascar Higher Institute of Communication,…

Universities and Colleges in Luxembourg

Universities and Colleges in Luxembourg: Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in Luxembourg Universities and College Names UBI Business School University of Luxembourg…

Universities and Colleges in Lithuania

Universities and Colleges in Lithuania: Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in Lithuania Universities European Humanities University Faculty of Economics and Informatics of…

Universities in Liechtenstein

Universities in Liechtenstein: Following are the list of Universities in Liechtenstein University Names Universität Liechtenstein, Vaduz Private Universität im fürstentum Liechtenstein,  Triesen Internationale Akademie für…

Universities in Libya

Universities in Libya: Following are the list of Universities in Libya Public Universities Academy of Graduate Studies Al-Mergib University University of Al-Jabal Al Gharbi Al…

Universities in Liberia

Universities in Liberia: Following are the list of Universities in Liberia Public Universities University of Liberia, Monrovia William V. S. Tubman University, Cape Palmas Nimba University Private…

Universities in Lesotho

Universities in Lesotho: Following are the list of Universities in Lesotho University Names Botho University Lerotholi Polytechnic Limkokwing University of Creative Technology National University of…

Universities in Lebanon

Universities in Lebanon: Following are the list of Universities in Lebanon University Names Phoenicia University Matn University College of Technology Lebanese University American University of…

Universities and Colleges in Latvia

Universities and Colleges in Latvia: Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in Latvia State universities (Valsts universitātes) University of Daugavpils Latvia University of…

Universities in Laos

Universities in Laos: Following are the list of Universities in Laos University Names National University of Laos Souphanouvong University Champassak University Savannakhet University University of…

Universities in Kyrgyzstan

Universities in Kyrgyzstan: Following are the list of Universities in Kyrgyzstan Chüy Region Kyrgyz International University NRZ Academy of Arts of the Kyrgyz Republic (AAKR) Academy…

Universities in Kuwait

Universities in Kuwait: Following are the list of Universities in Kuwait Government Universities: Kuwait University (KU) Abdullah Al Salem University (AASU) Private Universities: Gulf University for Science…

Universities in Kosovo

Universities in Kosovo: Following are the list of Universities in Kosovo Public universities University of Gjilan "Kadri Zeka" in Gjilan Haxhi Zeka University in Peja University of Gjakova "Fehmi…

Universities and Colleges in South Korea

Universities and Colleges in South Korea: Following are the list of Universities and Colleges in South Korea Universities and College Names Agricultural Cooperative College – Goyang, Gyeonggi Ajou…