Job code

Job code: A job code uses numbers, letters or both to provide a quick summary of a job and its content.

Job families

Job families: Groups of different jobs that need similar skills. For example, sales jobs and clerical jobs in different departments.


Position: A collection of tasks and duties which are performed by one person. For example, the P.A. to Principal receives visitors, takes dictation, operates computer,…


Duty: Several tasks which are related by some sequence of events. For example, pick up, sort out and deliver incoming mail.


Task: An identifiable work activity carried out for a specific purpose. For example, typing a letter.


Job: A group of positions similar in their significant duties such as technical assistants, computer programmers, etc.

Job analysis

Job analysis: A systematic exploration of the activities surrounding - and within - a job.

HR audits

HR audits: HR audits summarize each employee's skills, knowledge and abilities. Audits of non-managers are called skills inventories; audits of managers are known as management…


Outplacement: The process of helping unwanted present employees find new jobs with other firms.

Succession planning

Succession planning: An executive inventory report showing which individuals are ready to move into higher positions in the company.

Replacement charts

Replacement charts: A portrayal of who will replace whom in the event of a job opening.

Skills inventories

Skills inventories: Summaries of the skills and abilities of non-managerial employees used in forecasting supply.

Staffing table

Staffing table: A chart showing future employment needs for each type of Job.