
Punishment: Reinforcement that is aimed at reducing undesirable behavior by associating that behavior with a painful consequence.

On the job training

On the job training: Any training technique that involves allowing the person to learn the job by actually performing it on the job.

Vestibule training

Vestibule training: A training method involving the creation of training facilities separate from the regular production area but with the same equipment.

Role playing

Role playing: A development technique requiring the trainee to assume a role in a given situation and act out behaviors associated with that role.

Job rotation

Job rotation: Moving a trainee from job to job so as to provide cross training.


Obsolescence: A condition that results when an employee loses the knowledge or abilities to perform successfully due to changes in the field.


Mentoring: An experienced employee offering guidance and support to a junior employee so that the latter learns and advances in the organization.


Reinforcement: A concept that people tend to repeat responses that give them some type of positive reward and avoid actions associated with negative consequences.


Development: Broadening an individual's knowledge, skills and abilities for future responsibilities.


Training: A planned programme designed to improve performance and bring about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees.


Forecasting: Identifying expected future conditions based on information from the past and present.


Promotability: The set of services the individual is expected to provide if and whether he occupies higher level positions in his present or different promotion…